Lanín National Park, Province of Neuquén, Argentinean Patagonia this national reserve was created in 1937 by president Agustín Pedro Justo and then transformed into a national park in 1945 by president Edelmiro Julián Farrel. It covers 412,003 hectares, making it the 3rd largest park in Argentina. Some of its landmarks are snow-capped Lanín Volcano, Lakes Huechulafquen and Lácar, and several rivers and waterfalls, of which Chachín River and namesake waterfall are certainly worth mentioning. Its flora includes species from Andean Patagonian Forests and Valdivian Rainforests, such as coihues, lengas, araucarias and Patagonian cypresses, among others. On the other hand, its fauna includes coipos (semi-aquatic rodents), huiña wildcats, guanaco lamas, pudu miniature deers, pumas, red foxes, giant black woodpeckers and condors, among others.There also are 7 Mapuche indigenous communities living within the park and 12 private Estancia ranches; Caballadas is one of them. The park is part of the Northpatagonic Andean Biosphere Reserve since 2007.