Atacama Highlands

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The Chilean Altiplano is part of a high plateau shared by Chile, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru that averages 4,000 masl. Featuring salt lakes, volcanoes, wetlands, lakes and geysers.
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Regardless of how tough conditions may be at such high latitudes and with extremely cold temperatures during the night, many vegetable and animal species have adapted to this harsh territory gracing it with their presence. Some of the highlights of the Chilean altiplano are the Surire Salt Flat National Monument, Lauca National Park, Parinacota Volcano (6,319 masl), Isluga Volcano National Park (5,550 masl) and even some villages, such as Putre, Socoroma, Mauque, Colchane and Cariquima, where visitors may meet descendants of the Aymara people and learn about their lifestyle, culture and beliefs. Together with the awe-inspiring beauty of the scenery itself, learning how man, fauna and flora have managed to survive and cohabitate in the altiplano’s seemingly inhospitable environment makes a visit to these lands both an interesting and mind-blowing treat.
Tres Cruces
Atacama desert (17 of 35) - Version 2
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