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If you happen to be in the Chilean capital, visiting the coastline that’s just 1 to 3 hours away acquires an almost mandatory nature. Weather you’d like to surf (or kitesurf!) some of the best waves on the planet, see Graffiti street art in the hills of Valparaíso, take a birdwatching stand-up paddle tour among coastal wetlands, stay at a a private luxury home in the classy beach towns of Cachagua or Zapallar, or cycle along the coast before sitting to lunch by a Private Chef in the middle of a vineyard; the Central Pacific coastline is the place to go.
If you happen to be in the Chilean capital, visiting the coastline that’s just 1 to 3 hours away acquires an almost mandatory nature. Weather you’d like to surf (or kitesurf!) some of the best waves on the planet, see Graffiti street art in the hills of Valparaíso, take a birdwatching stand-up paddle tour among coastal wetlands, stay at a a private luxury home in the classy beach towns of Cachagua or Zapallar, or cycle along the coast before sitting to lunch by a Private Chef in the middle of a vineyard; the Central Pacific coastline is the place to go.