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This unique heli-ski program includes 7 nights in the mountain village of Farellones on the outskirts of Santiago and in the middle of the Andes Mountain Range. Only 15 minutes by helicopter from our base in Santiago, you will reach the first runs and enjoy the vast mountains at the El Plomo and Tupungato areas which are waiting for you to discover their powder snow and huge opportunities on alpine terrain.
This unique heli-ski program includes 7 nights in the mountain village of Farellones on the outskirts of Santiago and in the middle of the Andes Mountain Range. Only 15 minutes by helicopter from our base in Santiago, you will reach the first runs and enjoy the vast mountains at the El Plomo and Tupungato areas which are waiting for you to discover their powder snow and huge opportunities on alpine terrain.
Heli-ski trips involve a lot of logistics, and travelers may truly trust our company’s ability to manage them. Two guides on every helicopter offer maximum safety, making sure runs are safe top-to-bottom and everyone is out of danger at all times. We create the kind of trips travelers will always remember. The Andes Mountains are the second-highest in the world and the vertical drop on any given run can be as much as 5,000 feet or more. Many seasoned skiers including the guides themselves frequently say that heli-skiing at the Central Valleys is comparable to skiing in Alaska — but with longer runs. Very few operations in the world can claim the dramatic scenery or the vertical drop found here in the snowy Andes. This adventure takes you right out there.
On day 8 we have prepared your transfer, so you can return home safely